Rabu, 26 September 2007

About Moslem's God

Allah is only the one God for moslem. Please try to imagine if you have more of one God. The World well be destroyed! The meaning of Islam is Save (by language). Save for spirit,soul and body. Islam is religion that peaceful to intern and extern. Islam is not terorism if you want to learn Islam more. You can get information at the Islamic Center.

3 komentar:

  1. I salute with this site. Please to write more information especially about Islam or Moslem.

  2. Salam buat teman-teman Biologi di Unesa angkatan 2001 Jl.Ketintang Surabaya. Kapan nich kita reunian lagi. Buat ABSI Club lebaran pade kemane nich?

  3. Hallo, sobat-sobat gue alumnus SMUN1 BABAT Lamongan Jatim Jl.Sumowiharjo Babat. Salaam........! Gimana kalo kita reunian di SMUN Babat pas-ngepas lebaran. Yo'opo, Rek? Kabar terbaru kalian gimana? Please, sending in my Blog. Biar kita bisa tau atu-tanye!Ye?


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